Mission and Vision Statement
Park Avenue Mission Statement
Our school instills students with a sense of direction, as we collectively prepare them for their college or career of choice. Our Professional Learning Communities deliver a viable curriculum, keeping students’ best interest in mind while discussing and implementing current research and practices. We value parent and community involvement in order to continuously strengthen the home-school connection. Our school provides a safe and orderly environment where students, parents, and community can interact in a positive and respectful manner. (Positive Attitude Respect and Kindness).
Park Avenue Vision Statement
Park Avenue Elementary School aspires to be a learning community that enriches the lives of students and meets their academic and social-emotional needs by providing a caring and stimulating environment where students recognize and achieve their fullest potential.
LA Unified School District Mission
Embracing our diversity to educate L.A.'s youth, ensure academic achievement and empower tomorrow's leaders. We are L.A. Unified.
LA Unified School District Vision
L.A. Unified will be a progressive global leader in education, providing a dynamic and inspiring learning experience where all students graduate ready for success.